Lauryn Web Design - Milano, Edimburgo e online

Laura Gargiulo, web designer freelance

UIX designer, visual designer, WordPress specialist

I’m Laura Gargiulo, a professional freelance web designer (UIX designer) and I love designing and restyling web sites. For many years I used to build them from the project phase to code and publishing. Now I decided to focus in User Interface Design, and let the developers “tailor the dress” I designed.

During the years I’ve also improved my knowledge of accessibility standards, W3C standards, HTML5 and CSS3, responsive webdesign, so that when I design a web project I know just where it goes.

My skills include also teaching (online and I’ve been lecturer at Naba), blogging, basic Search Engine Optimizazion and social marketing and last but not least, commercial graphic and digitalillustrations.

Technical skills: UI design, accessibility, user-centered design, xhtml1 , HTML5, css 2 and 3, WordPress, seo and social webmarketing.

Skill profile:

  • User Interface Experience (UIX) Designer

And also:

  • Web content specialist
  • Web accessibility expert
  • Web community manager

Download my cv

I am available for remote jobs!

Publications (Italian language):

2 and 2 make 4 (or 3 sometimes)

Lauryn is not a webagency but a sinergy of three professional figures in Piperita Lab project.

What Lauryn offers (please visit the portfolio for a live example of our services)

  • Ask for a free quotation tell us your needs and budget at: [email protected]!
  • We are available for remote jobs!

Internet websites are a very powerful weapon for your activity. Beyond the simple one-page website ( like a business card online), the proposals could be the most different. Lauryn can offer you a full-package of commercial graphic and webdesign from logo (print and web formats), to graphic, building and puttin online your website through the post-pubblication.

It’s important to keep always “alive” the website created, and for each goal we want to reach and each resources we have, there are different ways to do it:

  • to keep a blog, keeping alive our news section and spread them out through social networks (and let them find by search engines like Google )
  • to sell service or products online (e-commerce)

Everything could be done by yourself, if you request a cms (content management system) that let you update the website by yourself or, if you don’t have enough time or resources, let it done by Lauryn through a complete service of maintenance of the site that includes:

  • › promoting and social network
  • › optimization, indexation and positioning (SEO)
  • › press release (also in English with professional translators) and production of words and photos.


  • › Well, Can I see som published work?
    Surely! Click on portfolio, and You will se our latest works.
  • › Mmm why do I have to trust
    You can understand used techniques  (all pursuant to W3C standards) by visiting Italian blog kept by Laura. This way you’ll understand Lauryn’s philosophy.
  • › Ok, how can I contact Lauryn?
    In contact page you’ll find every detail on how to find us.

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