Consigli su come chiamare i nostri selettori css

Alen Grakalic ci da dei consigli molto semplici e pratici su come chiamare i nostri selettori, districandosi fra classi, id, gerarchie e parentele (sto sempre parlando di css si intende ahah).
Secondo me è molto chiaro e semplice.
Ecco uno stralcio dell’articolo:


#main h2.title span

This type of selector allows you to be very precise in targeting an element.
The principle I use is: I try to determine the lowest container in hierarchy that has non-repeating elements. I add class name to the container and target the elements inside with type selectors similar to example above. If you have a H2 tag that you use for titles, and you have only one span inside it, there’s really no need of adding a class name to that span. You can easily target it with combined selector shown above.

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